Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OECD Releases Luxembourg Economic Survey for 2010

The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) released the economic survey for 2010 stating that Luxembourg must work on its labor market and its role in the international financial crisis, Monday.

According to the OECD website, "an Economic Survey is published every 1½-2 years for each OECD country." This year Luxembourg's survey cites pitfalls in its labor market specifically with the minimum wage. It also goes into detail regarding how Luxembourg will have to adapt to changes most likely to be put in place by the European Union in response to the international financial crisis.

"Some of the recommendations support suggestions made by ministers, such as a pay review which rewards workers based on merit rather than obligation, an idea previously backed by ministers Francois Biltgen and Octavie Modert," as reported on hello.news352.lu

Please view the video below to learn more about the OECD as an organization.

Video Courtesy of Youtube.com

Other recommendations made for Luxembourg by the OECD can be seen on their website along with the economic survey reports for other countries.

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