Thursday, March 18, 2010

Freedom House Press Reports

Both countries are considered relatively "free" countries when it comes to the press as it does when it comes to business in general. is a an organization that acts as a watchdog specifically looking at media all countries around the world. They report on the news but especially when it comes to news regarding freedom of the press. The countries' freedom is determined by a method of applying a number to three categories with 0 being the best and 100 being the worst. This number is decided after answering 23 questions about the said country and then assessing its' freedom in depth.

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For Luxembourg, the numbers are low (good) with legal environment being a 2, political environment being a 3, and economic environment being a 7, making the total score a low 12 thus declaring the country a "free" country. Freedoms of speech and press are guaranteed in the constitution with the country employing "an independent press council deals with press complaints and ethical questions." Its immense freedom allows this rich media country to influence many other countries especially in Western Europe. According to a 2007 report, the country has not been a place where any journalists have been attacked or harrassed. Newspapers are privately owned thus adding to the freedom of the press. Also with new media rising the internet is still very much unrestricted in Luxembourg promoting media growth and strength is this country.

Monaco has a slightly higher (worse) freedom number than Luxembourg but is still considered "very free" with a number of 16. According to, this country is given a 3 for legal environment, a 7 for political environment, and a 6 for economic environment. Freedom of expression is guaranteed as well for citizens of Monaco but as said in a previous post, the exception to this freedom is the prosecution of any citizen who "denounces the ruling family." Most of the media in Monaco is government-owned in comparison to Luxembourg but this does not stop the country from being a free country. Also like Luxembourg, Monaco gives its citizens unrestricted internet access.

In relation to our country, the United States, Luxembourg and Monaco can be considered more "free" countries when it comes to media. The United States merits a slightly higher number of 17 by This number though is not too much higher therefore we can derive from this observation that to live in Monaco or Luxembourg, the media system and make-up would be similar to our country.

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