Monday, February 8, 2010

In Depth Media Reports for Luxembourg and Monaco

Although there is no daily newspaper produced in Monaco, there is one in Nice, France, called Nice-Matin, that publishes two pages each day on Monaco happenings. Along with this newspaper is the country's weekly government journal, Journal de Monaco, published by the Ministry of State. There are no FM Radio stations, but one AM station that serves all the country's radios. In addition, there are five television stations and two Internet providers. Most of the media can be found in either French, English, or Italian.

Luxembourg on the other hand has a slightly larger and independent media system due to it being a country of business and banking. Luxembourg is a constiutional monarchy as well and entrusts executive authority in its Grand Duke and shared power with legislature and judicial systems. The country has five major newspapers; Luxembourger Wort, La Voix du Luxembourg, Tageblatt, Le Quotidien Editions Letzeburger Journal SA, and Zeitung vum Letzebuerger Vollek; all in their respected languages that are each seen as official languages of the country. The country also publishes 12 local, regional, or weekly papers, and 27 periodicals along with housing two national radion stations, four regional stations, and 20 local radio stations. Because of the the high volume of cable television viewing in Luxembourg, there are four national television stations and more than 40 television stations are received by the citizens in total. The language used in television is Luxembourgeois, but the programming is broadcast in French as well. Most radio and television broadcasting is done through the company, Compagnie Luxembourgeois de Telediffusion, who was given a contract by the government. Because of new laws, this company does not have a monopoly on radio anymore. There are four press agencies that operate in Luxembourg and one main internet site for Luxembourg information.

Video Courtesy of (start at 2:10, end at 3:05)

Both countries have laws protecting the press and free speech, though Monaco has a law against printed material that says unfavorable words about the royal family unlike that of Luxembourg.

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