Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bank Thieves Cause Blockade in Monaco

After a bank theft of 103, 400 Euros, Monaco officials blockaded all entry and exit points into the country, Monday.

According to the Riviera Times, five men and two women entered the Credit Foncier Monaco Bank in the afternoon and one of the men dropped "a wallet full of money on the floor," prompting a teller to pick it up as another one of the theives moved behind the counter and grabbed the cash.

After news of the theft a complete country blockade was arranged with "rigourous checks" performed at all entry points. No sign of the group was stopped in the process of this blockade but one of the women thieves was caught by the bank manager immediately following the theft. Being taken into custody, this woman alleged that the group came "to pickpocket but had changed their plans when they 'noticed' the 'opportunities,'" as reported by the Riviera Times.The exit blockade did not yield any suspects despite the use of extensive French resources.
Aerial view of the Credit Foncier Bank located
on the Port Hercule
Photo Courtesy of nicerendezvous.com

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